Just a small update
Well I figured since I have been home just over 2 days I better give some sort of an update. I am glad to be home. This trip was extremly hard. I made it through the services. I seemed to do better at the church than at the graveside one.( I will get to that in a few).
Grandpa just didnt look like Grandpa. I dont think anyone knew just how bad he had gotten I sure hadnt otherwise I would have gone out sooner. However I dont think I could handle seeing him so sick he had always been so strong. Even though the circumstances surrounding my visit were not good ones I still enjoyed my visit with my family. I stayed a night with my grandma and that was real nice. My family seemed suprised I volunteered to do it Why be suprised? I would have stayed permantly if I could have.
The service for Grandpa was standing room only. Such a great turnout for such an amazing man. I got to see people I hadnt in years. The service was a good one. I now regret not getting up and telling my fav memory of Grandpa. I know everyone would have loved it.
When I was little and had super long hair. Grandpa would take me to Dairy Queen in his Jeep and we would go get dipped ice cream cones( who all remembers those). Well since it was summer the Jeep wouldnt have its top on and my hair wouldnt be pulled back so when we would get back to the house i think I had more ice cream in my hair than in my belly. Grandma would be so mad at Grandpa and Grandpa would just smile his smile and chuckle his chuckle. That is a smile I miss so much I miss it. There are so many good memories of Grandpa we cant let them die. So as they pop into my head I might just blog about it.
Grandpa was a Marine so they did a graveside service and I really couldnt handle it. I lost it in more ways than one. I think my aunts got scared I was crying so hard and my teeth were shattering seeing the casket at graveside just made it that much more real. I dont know if I cried more because he is now with my Angel Jaxson or if I cried because I didnt think it was fair for my grandpa to get go. I just know I cried so hard and couldnt contain it. I really felt sick. I managed though and know that until I get to heaven Grandpa Ross is with Jaxson. I am sure grandpa and jaxson will be fishing and hunting buddies in heaven. Grandpa finally can get the buck that got away.
Well since I said I was going to update and I forgot.. oops I left my job @ au bon pain ( franchise ) on July 18, 2008. I bet you are wondering where I am working @ now right. I am not. I left for discrimination reasons and am glad to be unemployed stressing but glad I amnot working in that enviroment any longer.
I am currently seeking a job any ideas you think I should try for email me and let me know. I am open for suggestions.
Grandpa telling Skyler a bear story in Jan 2008.. this is the last picture I have of Grandpa with Skyler