Rocky Rocky Rocky
Thats all I can really say I think the pictures pretty much say it all. Especialy once I add in the captions.
This is about my journey through life with my wonderful son Skyler. We have had our bumps in the road but we stay strong.
Thats all I can really say I think the pictures pretty much say it all. Especialy once I add in the captions.
Ok I am at a total loss as to what to do. And I figured I would blog about it. What better way to get my thoughts out and off my chest right? That is what this blog is all about what is going on in my life and in Skylers life.
Well I got a new job and I think I will be happy only time will tell. I am looking for a second job however becuase I took a huge paycut.
I am not working doesnt mean that my house is the daycare house. I really hate that people think because we arent working we arent busy and dont have things going on and they can just leave their kid here with out even asking if we will keep them overnight or not.
Last night I got a bright idea to give our dogs a bath once we were up in the morning.